@Halal September/October 2022 | Page 15

Concerns about food safety Actualisation is of the utmost importance in the toyyiban principle

September-October . 2022 | @ Halal



Concerns about food safety Actualisation is of the utmost importance in the toyyiban principle


THE increasing incidence of foodborne diseases worldwide demonstrates the primary concern about food safety . The issue of food contamination has led to unsafe food consumption and has recorded about 600 million cases of foodborne diseases involving the deaths of 420,000 people ( WHO , 2022 ).

The risk of food contamination mainly originates from biological ( e . g ., bacteria , viruses ) and chemical ( e . g ., pesticides , drug residues ) hazards which may happen at various point sources along the food supply chain . Such potential risk conditions always require the serious attention of relevant parties to ensure the food product is safe for consumption .
In line with Islamic law ( Maqasid Al-Shariah ), through the element of preservation of life , one should protect himself from any harm and risk of harm that can complicate his physical and mental health . This can be done by eating good and safe food . In Islam , the fundamental principle of food consumption has been made clear with the halalan toyyiban concept . Such an important concept can be found in several verses in the Quran and in the hadith , which highlight the blessing of Allah SWT to all humankind .
“ O men ! Eat the lawful and good things out of what is in the earth , and do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan ; surely , he is your open enemy ” [ Al-Baqarah : 168 ].
Emphasising safety element in the halal certification process .
In the food production segment today , the holistic halalan toyyiban concept is increasingly being embraced . While there are many attributes of toyyib , in the context of food , the safety aspect becomes the most important element of halal food products . Positioning the safety aspect of food products at its highest requirement is essential in ensuring the realisation of the true meaning of halalan toyyiban concept .
Safety as a predominant component in toyyiban principle
The term halal is under the provision of Islamic or shariah law , which is permissible and lawful to consume in the context of food . Halal becomes the basic or prerequisite requirement for Muslims , and it cannot be separated from the other principle , toyyib . In contrast to halal , toyyib predominantly denotes a more general principle that applies to everyone , including Muslims and non-Muslims . Toyyib is broadly defined as wholesome , good , safe , hygienic , contamination-free , and high quality .
“ O you who believe ! Eat of the good things that We have provided you with , and give thanks to Allah if Him it is that you serve ” [ Al-Baqarah : 172 ].
In the food production segment today , the holistic halalan toyyiban concept is increasingly being embraced . While there are many attributes of toyyib , in the context of food , the safety aspect becomes the most important element of halal food products . Positioning the safety aspect of food products at its highest requirement is essential in ensuring the realisation of the true meaning of halalan toyyiban concept .
It is also conceivably appropriate to rank the requirement for safety just after fulfilling the shariah aspect of the halal . This is crucial to emphasise the importance of the safety aspect in a complete halal food supply chain , thus preventing any potential risk of food contamination .
Meanwhile , in the segment of halal pharmaceuticals , product safety becomes the very basic and prerequisite requirement before the product can get into the halal certification stage . While the product ’ s efficacy is always the major intrinsic factor for pharmaceuticals , the safety of the products is of the utmost importance without compromising its quality . Therefore , the safety element becomes the key determinant factor in categorising the product as toyyib .
As the demand for halal food products is increasing globally , the integrity of the food supply chain in many aspects of halal and toyyib has become a significant concern . The many activities of the global food supply chain , including transporting and storing , have made food prone to contamination and potentially becoming hazardous for consumption .
To address the issue , halal certification could be the mechanism to provide a more holistic solution . Through halal certification , halal and toyyib become the benchmark in determining the safety of food products .
It is stated in the Malaysian Standard ( MS ) 1500:2019 Halal food – general requirements ( Third revision ), hygiene , sanitation and food safety are prerequisites in halal food preparation . This highlights the significant element of food safety in all aspects of the halal food supply chain , including production , processing , logistic and consumption .
Nevertheless , it is highly recommended to further underline the safety requirements in more detail , specifically in the current manual procedure for the halal certification process . Complete integration of the existing food quality standards , such as GMP and HACCP extends the importance of the safety aspect of food preparation and production .
In conclusion , the concept of halalan toyyiban offers more comprehensive , holistic , and integrated evaluation criteria to determine safe and quality food products . The halalan toyyiban concept is inextricably associated with safety to give the true meaning of halal food products .
References Awang , N . ( 2021 ). The Application of Food Safety Concept Within the Reference Standards for Halal Food in Malaysia : An Overview . TAFHIM : IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World 14 ( 2 ): 27 – 51 . Food safety . Retrieved from https :// www . who . int / news-room / fact-sheets / detail / food-safety on Oct 12 , 2022 .