@Halal April 2019 | Page 16

16 @Halal | APRIL-MAY. 2019 Science Talk by BRO AMIN CHAIRMAN,GLOBAL HALTECH science Halal to verify and certify T Halal across region and religion HE concept of Halal is very cru- cial in Islam, and a very sensitive issue for Muslims. The need for Muslims to consume only halal products, coupled with high commercial and economic value, has made the halal industry to become one of the fastest growing industry. For this reason, the halal concept should be taken seriously by the authorities. For Muslim consumers, approval and monitoring of local or imported products to clarify whether the product is halal or not is very important. For a product to be deemed halal, the ingre- dients are to be scrutinized. And although the product may be manufactured or owned by Muslims, it is good to monitor and confi rm of its halal status through scientifi c approaches. Recently, there has been many doubts on products being either halal or not, especially ones without any halal logo on its packaging. And many who doesn’t have it are because of the complicated formulation and technology used during the product manufacturing. Thus, many aspects such as controlling, enforcement and monitoring are needed to maintain the quality of a product as stated in product labelling, and to feature the halal logo for Muslim consumers. This is to ensure that no persecution and misappropriation will occur to Muslim con- sumers especially in Malaysia. SCIENTIFIC ASPECT IN VERIFICATION AND MONITORING OF HALAL STATUS Approval and monitoring of local or imported products to clarify whether the product is halal or not is very important Verifi cation and monitoring of halal status of a product falls under responsibility of the authorities such as JAKIM and Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri (JAIN). However, the halal status of a product will be more convincing with proof, i.e. scientifi c results. These days, most manufacturers uses complex and complicated formulation of recipe and imported ingredients for their food product. Thus, verifi cation of the ingredients of the product through laboratory analysis would really assist the auditing process in factories. This also helps to weave out issues where manipulation and irresponsible attitude of certain manufacturers without integrity in ensuring that their ingredients are truly free from porcine DNA. Thus, raw materials used in their products shall be verifi ed through laboratory analysis. In Malaysia, there has been many issues regarding the halal status of products that has been certifi ed halal by the authorities through such investigation. These uncertainties among Malaysians on the halal-ness of popular products on shelves shows that manufacturers absolutely need continual monitoring of their product’s halal status – backed by lab analysts. ROLE OF HALAL SCIENCE The role of halal science laboratory is essen- tial in determining the halal status of raw materials in products. It works as a reference and a source of scientifi c evidence in halal product verifi cation. The framework of halal basically consists of 3 main sectors that come together with laboratory results in halal enforcement. The three main sectors are: The Authorities: JAKIM, JAIS and Non- Government Organization (NGO) such as PPIM as the halal monitoring authorities. They will use the results of lab analysis to fulfi ll the requirements of halal certifi cation when auditing the product. Industry: Manufacturers of food products or consumables. Industry needs results of lab analysis as reference to ensure that ingredi- ents of their products are free from forbidden (haram) ingredients. Consumer: Consumers who uses and con- sumes the retailed products. Some of the more particular consumers always want to know lab analysis results to ensure that the product that they consume is truly halal, and that they are not being deceived by irresponsible manufacturers. This puts the role of laboratories as a neces- sity, an additional reference by the three main sectors above to secure halal certifi cation in an effi cient and high integrity manner. Moreover, the value of a halal Logo can be put as high standard level of quality which can fulfi ll the demand of Muslim consumer and also the syariah of Islam itself. ROLE OF HALAL ANALYSIS Verifi cation of halal status is governed by the ‘Halaalan Toyyiban ethic’ which is a scientifi - cally proven ethical code. Halal verifi cation plays an important role based on the result of lab tests which verifi es the ingredients of the product to be free from ingredients that are haram. However, analysis being done on the ingredients doesn’t solely focus on alcohol and porcine DNA pres- ents, but also on the safety and purity of a product. To simplify, a Halaalan test is a lab test to determine that the product either has