Majored in microbiology. Minored in chemistry.
I have a strong passion for research and plan
on obtaining a Masters in biochemistry from
Texas State University and continue to get a
PhD in studies related to cell, molecular, and
cancer biology.
•Undergraduate Researcher
•H-LSAMP Scholar
•Society for Advancement of Chicanos and
Native Americans in Science
•Honors Student Association
•Texas State Ally
•National Residence Hall Honorary
Notable Achievements
•Women in Science and
Engineering, Women’s Giving
Circle Scholarship
•Texas State University, First
Runner Up Homecoming Queen,
Homecoming Court
•Houston-Louis Stokes Alliance
for Minority Participation,
•Student Undergraduate Research
Fund, Research Grant
•Honors Undergraduate Research
Conference, Third Place; Research
Poster Category
•Texas State Residence Hall
Association, Outstanding Student
Leader of the Year
•National Association of College
and University Residence Halls,
Bronze Pin