wo months ago I decided it
was time to live a healthier
and more active lifestyle. No
I’m not talking about juicing
or detoxing, I’m talking about eating
healthier and exercising. Think about
it, how many commercials have you
seen where someone with a six-pack
(not beer) is telling you to lose a
certain amount of weight in a short
amount of time?! I was so sick of it
and was determined to prove those
commercials wrong and proving to
myself I could do better.
written by: Samantha Morales
I graduated from college in
is: Stop competing with others and
December 2013- Merry Christmas
start competing with yourself.
to me! People told me sometimes
A #loveselfie isn’t a picture or it’s hard to find a job right out the
a status update. It’s an attitude gate so don’t expect to land your
of embracing, accepting, and dream job. I was content with that;
valuing yourself, exactly as I understood what working towards
you are in each moment. It’s being your goal was. What I wasn’t
one hundred percent present with prepared for was the emotional
you. Try it.” - Amy Leigh Mercree. It’s roller coaster that was about to
amazing how fast people fall in love hit. I had spent all my life in school
with one another forgetting that the and now it was over and I had no
only person who can really make clue what to do. I spent my whole
college life working a full time job
you happy is you.
now that full time job became my
“Exercise to be fit, not skinny. Eat
I think the media plays a huge- life, and I hated it.
to nourish your body. And always if not the biggest part as to why
ignore the haters, doubters and women never feel like they are
I spent months searching for a job
unhealthy examples that were once enough. Being a woman is just down but with the most negative attitude
feeding you. You are worth more right tough. Constantly thinking, “I’m because I wasn’t getting the dream
than you realize.” I read this quote too big, I’m too small, and I’m not job everyone told me I wasn’t going
on Pinterest one day and that’s smart enough”. Smart is sexy, point to get. But then one day I had a
when I decided to change my life. blank. It doesn’t matter if you are conversation with my significant
I will be honest with you, I wish I a size 2 or a size 12, “The sexiest other. Through all the tears and
had the time to sit here and count thing in the entire world is being frustrations the one thing he told me
calories but I don’t and I know more really smart. And being thoughtful. was have faith something will come
than half of you that are reading And being generous. Everything up. I smiled, brushed it off and went
this do not either. I do watch what I else is crap!” (Thanks Ashton I to bed. When I woke up the next
eat but I also dedicate three days couldn’t have said it better myself!) morning I felt a little more grateful
a week to working out. I use to be Point blank-love yourself and learn for the things I took for granted. I
so exhausted all the time and I to spread that love amongst others. have a cozy apartment, a man who
realized that it was just being lazy. Educate yourself on what is going loves me, a job, and a four-legged
I will admit the first week of working on in the world and strive to make kid who loves me unconditionally.
out was torture. I went with a girl positive changes. #loveislouder
Here I am 7 months later working
friend just in case one of us wanted
to quit, we could push the other to
one full time job, one part time and
bout a month ago I two internships and grateful for it
decided that I needed to all. What I’m saying is have faith. It
Now here I am 2 months later 19lbs.
make a serious change. A doesn’t matter what you believe
lighter with tons of energy. Every
change that not only was in but you should believe that
one is like okay what’s your trick? physical but more emotional than everyone is destined for greatness
All I say is I have a more healthier anything. I had been struggling you just need to get up and make
lifestyle than I’ve ever had. And trying to find my way after the moves!
my mentality through this process graduating college.