hot/not for me campus
decided to do something a
little different for the back-toschool issue. I’ve temporarily
changed the title to “Hot but
Not for Campus”. See, here’s the
thing, college is one giant melting
pot of personalities, gender, young
intellectuals, talent, culture, and
most importantly style. Style says
“Hello” the minute she or he walks
through the door. It’s attractive.
It’s attention grabbing. It’s bold. It
makes a statement. Warning: You
do not want that statement to be
negative or outlive your stint in
not campus friendly
I once had a professor who
started his first lecture of class with
a story of a young fresh woman
he called a “real ice breaker”.
This young woman came to her
first day of class in a mini skirt and
6-inch heels, sweaty (because she
obviously didn’t know she had to
walk across campus in the blazing
heat) her hair damp and in a frizz.
To top it off, she was late! When she
entered the class, everyone turned
toward her, there was a variety of
whistles and cackles. The professor
said to her, “So nice of you to join
us. Would you care for a tissue?”
as he gestured toward his head, in
obvious relation to her perspiration.
The class laughed. She declined
and looked for an open seat.
written by: Kandace Campbell
warm it is outside, save all that leg
and a potential, yet unfortunate,
flashing for the Saturday night frat
party…but please, don’t flash there
either. We’ll talk about frat labels
and how to avoid them later.
RULE 3: Cleavage is Hot, but not
for campus. Cover those things
up. Boobs don’t get A’s, studying,
retention, and brain power does.
Prop up the girl’s for the Friday night
after party.
RULE 4: bed head is not ever
Hot! Brush your hair always. Be
presentable. You want to be taken
seriously as a student by your
professor and peers. It starts with
disrupting the class a second time. presentation.
Embarrassed, she picked herself up
and scurried out the door, falling RULE 5: Makeup and Body piercings
yet another time. He never knew that are Hot, but minimize for campus.
young lady’s name, nor did she ever Don’t scare or defocus your
return to the class. That was over professor and peers by allowing
ten years ago. When I took his class, your inner Marilyn Manson or Rolf
the story was already five years old. Buchholz to show up. College is
From what I hear, he still tells that about building relationships--same story. And that ladies and healthy ones. Ease people into your
gentlemen is what I mean by letting uniqueness.
your fashion statement outlive your
stint. This leads me to the rules of Rule 6: Smiles are so Hot always.
Smile forever on campus and
“going to class campus style”:
RULE 1: Stilettos are totally Hot, but
not for campus. Save the stilts for Follow these simple rules and you’re
the Friday night party ladies and sure to never become a tragic
most importantly, save your ankles fashion story on campus!
the added pressure of supporting
your weight while trudging to a class
where no one really cares anyway.
As fate would have it, there was
one down front, several rows up
from the professor. As the young
lady made her way to the seat,
her ankles gave way and she fell, RULE 2: Mini skirts are totally Hot,
toppling over students and desks, but not for campus. No matter how