a message from kandi’s girls
We hope you enjoyed our first issue. Was it as awesome as you thought?
Are you a true H E E L I S T ? Great! So Heelist Magazine is a ShoeKandi
publication operated and written by college students who eat, drink, and
breathe fashion and confidence. Each month, we’ll strive to bring you the
hottest trends in fashion, color, and art. We’ll even dabble in love and travel.
Though we don’t claim to be perfect, we hope that you’ll take away a unique
voice full of life and confidence, because after all, confidence is key! We want
our readers to take chances, go after dreams and goals, and to never quit.
We’re always looking for new fashionistas and heelist to join our team,
whether that’s to obtain one of our 16-week fashion intensive internships or
be one of our writers. Send us an email. We’d love to hear from you. Send your
inquiry to [email protected] with the subject line Kandi Girl Opportunity
and tell us what you’re looking for.
If you’re NOT interested in joining us, though we can’t figure out why
because we’re AWESOME SAUCE, send us a pic of you and your girls having
fun, wearing your hottest ensemble, or kicking it out on the beach, at the nail
salon, a bonfire, anywhere doing anything, well…we have limits…no naked
pics please! Ha! But send them in and maybe you’ll be featured in the Live/
Love/Life section of our next issue. Be sure to tell us your name, where you’re
from, what you love to do, if you’re a heelist, why you chose your outfit or
what’s happening in the pic. Basically, tell us what we should know and why we
should feature you. Email [email protected] with the subject line Heelist
Magazine Photo Submission.
Until then, we wish you the best.
Stay Gorgeous!
Kandi’s Girls - Sam, Aly, Jenn, Hil and Kandi
line drawing by mimi yoon