LOVE section written by: Samantha Morales
ove is patient. Love is kind.
Love is a damn rollercoaster.
Growing up we all hear the
same fairytales. Boy meets
girl, girl falls for boy, boy makes
“The mistake”, girl forgives and they
live happily every after. But what if
I told you that’s exactly what they
are, fairytales. Hey, I believe in love
and romance as much as the next
girl, but every love is different and
But don’t get any of what I said
every story is unique.
confused with the point that you
need him or her to succeed. There is
So let’s talk about the fairytale, also another story where they don’t
you know, the one where they live work out and she ends up conquerhappily ever after and ride off into ing the world anyway. I get that
the sunset, the in your dreams fai- nights can be cold, but don’t conrytale. Here’s the reality check, rela- fuse temporary warmth with needtionships are tough and if it isn’t then ing a relationship. Maybe what’s
maybe that person isn’t challenging needed is simply someone to talk
you as they should. You should be to. Maybe a friend and an ear is all
with someone who makes you want you need, which leads me into my
to achieve things you didn’t even favorite subject-girlfriends.
think possible. You should be with
that person that can make you so
Every woman on this planet needs
upset but make you laugh so hard them. Girlfriends will help you get
you cry. Be with a person that through this crazy beautiful thing
doesn’t make you chip pieces away called life. Whether you have been
of yourself or sacrifice your well- married for ten years or dating
being for them. Relationships are for two months, never sacrifice girl
about compromise from both sides, time because you need it. There is
but not losing who you are.
something freeing about hitting the
town with the girls and I promise the
laughs you share will last a lifetime.
Even if you aren’t the type of girl to
have a lot of girlfriends, sometimes
all you need is one. You know that
one person you can call anytime to
vent because your significant other
decided to wash all the clothes in
one huge load and forgot to use
the detergent. Or maybe that’s just
me? Silly things like that may upset
you with your partner, but laugh
uncontrollably with your girlfriend.
If you can’t afford a professional,
your girls will always keep it real. At
least they’re supposed to, and if
not, well then that’s a whole other
conversation for the next issue.