Gyroscope Review 16-4 | Page 35

Apollonia stands rooted in faith , even as stones and fists strike her face , again and again . The Romans threaten to burn her alive unless she bows to their heathen idols . She refuses .
Fists again , bashing her once beautiful , Egyptian face . Teeth crackle in her mouth , remaining ones wrenched out with pincers . This deaconess who inspired many to convert to Christianity is offered one final chance to cast aside her God .
She draws breath as if to speak , quieting the crowd . With last scrap of freedom , Apollonia offers up a silent sermon , heaving her broken body into the fire .
There is no record indicating who plucked her bones from the ashes . Her splintered jaw is now on display at St . Basil ’ s , teeth lodged like sacred bullets in churches throughout Europe . The tooth as relic , under the microscope . This is what is gleaned of faith :
upper premolar , all angle and arch , resembles a small church . The tooth , ripped from its once pleasing u-shaped congregation , is covered in a cracked , white coat ; edge pearled , quite rare . Kidney-shaped surface , a gnawing prayer .
Note : Appollonia is considered the Patron Saint of Dentists . She died in 249 A . D .
Gyroscope Review 16-4 Page ! 25