Gymplátek 26. Číslo | Page 22


rozhovor s

How do you like it here, in the Czech Republic?

Yeah, I really like it. The weather not so much today, but anyway it is so nice here. It is very different from where I lived before, more relaxed and peaceful, so it’s nice.

Why did you decide to stay here?

It was not a hard choice for me. I wanted to live in Europe after living in Asia for a long time.

I found a lot of job opportunities here and it is also in the middle of Europe, so I can travel around and meet new people.

Where do you teach?

I teach here and then at Mendelova and also in some primary schools, so my timetable is really very busy.

How long are you going to stay here?

I am not sure yet, my contract is until the end of the term, so till the end of June, but if I like it here, so maybe I will stay for longer. Maybe one year, maybe more, we will see. But I am definitely not going home to Ireland, so maybe I will find a different teaching job in somewhere.

Have you already tried some Czech food?

Yes, I tried svíčková and then I had a lot of different soups, but I don’t know their names. However, I would definitely like to try some more.

Thank you for your time. Do you have anything you would like to tell the students?

No matter how many mistakes you make. You should focus on speaking English, trying your best. Don’t worry too much about the grammar, the more you speak, the better you will be. So try your best and speak English as much as you can.

Už dva měsíce si někteří studenti v hodinách angličtiny můžou poklábosit s rodilým mluvčím. Je jím Rachael Hunter, šikovná slečna z Irska, která po tříleté zkušenosti učení studentů v Jižní Koreji zavítala do Česka.

Tradiční chrám v Jižní Koreji

Pláž v blízkosti jejího domu v Irsku

S přítelem na Pustevnách

Tereza Jelínková