Guía Turística de Tarapoto/ Turistic Guide of Tarapoto Setiembre 1 | Page 9

Mammals Horse Herbicore equids with really long necks. Cow/bull: Weight from 600 to 800 kilograms, one of the most common mammals. Donkey: A domestic animal from Africa but that, nowadays, is all around the world (including the blue lagoon). Cacao tree 1: Scientific Theobroma Cacao name: 2: Type of plant: Angiosperm (plants or trees with fruits and flowers) 3: Average size of the plant: The tree on itself can grow up to 6 meters high, but usually the fruit is harvested when it is 3 or 4 meters high on average. 4: Type of leave: It has a compound leaf with pinnate veins and an entire margin. 5: Products obtained from cacao: From the cacao, you get the cacao beans, and from the cacao beans you get the cocoa, from which you can get all the different types of chocolate. 6: Number of trees per hectare: Between 1000 and 1200 cacao trees per hectare