Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Companies 2014 Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Co | Page 57

Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago Santiago Securities Exchange After three yeArs of existence, the integrAted LAtin AmericAn mArket, which brings together the stock exchAnges And centrAL securities depositories of coLombiA, chiLe And peru, is on the roAd to becoming A regionAL ALternAtive And A mAjor pLAyer for foreign investors. The inTegraTion of counTries has been a major trend since the mid-twentieth century. A study by the World Trade Organization (WTO) revealed that 300 trade agreements were carried out between 1950 and 2010. The capital market was also affected by this dynamic of building regional synergies. On May 30, 2011, the Integrated Latin American Market (MILA) came into existence as an initiative conceived in the heart of the Ibero-American Federation of Stock Exchanges (FIAB), which sought to consolidate the region’s stock markets and provide foreign investors with another pivotal space in Latin America in which to put its capitals, in addition to Brazil. Colombia, Peru and Chile, three of the countries with the best macroeconomic performance in the region, are in charge of this project, which after recently completing three years of operations, is advancing and helping the three countries’ domestic securities market expansion to become a reality. Moreover, Mexico is expected to join the group by the end of 2014 or in early 2015. PERSPECTIVAS MILA moves miles ahead 57