Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Companies 2014 Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Co | Page 51

Como la espuma Los activos gestionados por los Fondos de Inversión Colectiva registraron un crecimiento sin precedentes en el país. Según la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, mientras en 1995 se manejaban $0,73 billones de pesos, en el 2007 cuando entra en vigencia el Decreto 2175 este monto ascendió a $13,75 billones de pesos y en el 2013, con la entrada en vigencia del Decreto 1242 subió a $51,99 billones de pesos. Este desempeño le ha permitido a Colombia ganarse un espacio en el mercado regional. De acuerdo con la Federación Iberoamericana de Fondos de Inversión y cálculos de Asofiduciarias, es la quinta plaza en administración de activos. A futuro, los FICs se perfilan como un canal de acceso con espacio suficiente para permitir la participación de más colombianos en el mercado de valores, pero además en una alternativa para canalizar los recursos necesarios hacia proyectos empresariales de gran envergadura como la financiación de la infraestructura que necesita el país. skyroCketing mobility of traditional assets (certificates of deposit - CDTs, treasury bonds - TES, corporate bonds and equities) and within non-traditional assets they allow the investment in real estate, documents with economic content, or private equity; it is a driver of the capital market par excellence. César Prado, President of Fiduciaria Bogotá, values the ease it provides any person to access these financial instruments. “CIFs offer a diversification advantage that is very difficult to obtain in the presence of small amounts or when there is a lack of market knowledge”, affirms the executive. Depending on the type of fund, the investor may withdraw his or her resources when they are needed (open funds), or in the terms established in the regulations (closed funds or open funds with term period). Closed funds may be listed to have liquidity on the market. Moreover, with the issue of Decree 1243 of 2013 by the Ministry of Finance, the CIFs custodian figure was created, a role that will be performed by trust company and which consists of independently safeguarding the assets comprising the fund portfolio, seeking to meet international standards and reinforcing investor protection. PERSPECTIVAS The assets under management by the Collective Investment Funds showed unprecedented growth in the country. According to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia, while in 1995 $0.73 trillion pesos were managed, in 2007 when Decree 2175 went into effect, this amount rose to $13.75 trillion pesos. In 2013, when Decree 1242 became effective, it rose to $51.99 trillion pesos. This performance has allowed Colombia to have a place in the regional market. According to the Ibero-American Federation of Investment Funds and the calculations of Asofiduciarias, Colombia ranks fifth in assets under management. In the future, CIFs are defining themselves as a channel that allows the participation of more Colombians in the securities market, along wi F