Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Companies 2014 Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Co | Page 45

Commitment Deserves a symbol oF RECOGNITION extranjeros, quienes generalmente tienen mayor dificultad para entender la información que publican las empresas locales. Y aunque la postulación es de carácter voluntario, una vez obtenido el Reconocimiento IR, el emisor se compromete a cumplir con unos requisitos como contar con una persona idónea para llevar a cabo la labor de relación con inversionistas, publicar de manera trimestral información financiera consolidada, realizar eventos de entregas de re- In a world that is more and more interrelated and connected, consumers and organizations that make up the market are more and more demanding. It is an international trend that has evolved with the passing of time and it forces the productive sector to be accountable and develop more demanding corporate governance policies. Everyone is under scrutiny and being asked to do more. In this environment, often-used terms, such as “transparency” have gained popularity. Said concept is used more frequently in the public and private spheres, and is synonymous with things being done in the public eye. These practices are more and more welcomed and appreciated, especially among investors, who recognize in them a crucial factor when making decisions. Consequently, the capital market has been forced to work to strengthen the management of this matter. In that sense and in order to consolidate the Colombian securities market as an attractive, quality investment option, the Colombian Securities Exchange (BVC) created the IR Recognition to promote the adoption of best practices in two dimensions among issuers: information disclosure and investor relations. PERSPECTIVAS Fotos: 123 RF The Colombian SeCuriTieS exChange debuTed ir reCogniTion in 2013. ThiS iniTiaTive praiSeS good CorporaTe praCTiCeS in informaTion diSCloSure and inveSTor relaTionS. 45