Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Companies 2014 Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Co | Page 33

Why are stock issues an attractive financing mechanism? Would you recommend them? Equity issues are a very important financing mechanism, and I highly recommend this option in exchange for ownership in a profitable business and participation in its earnings. This method generates a perpetual financial resource, from the funding of investors that place their trust in the ability of administrators to generate value from their investment. All businesses ought to consider going public on the securities market because this presents a great alternative to traditional financing mechanisms. However, each business should carry out a legal and financial assessment. What expansion projects do you have on the horizon? We will remain focused on prompting the organic growth of our companies in the eleven countries where we operate, positioning our company on the cutting edge of product design and services that satisfy the needs of our more than 11.5 million clients through traditional and alternative channels. On the other hand, opportunities for inorganic growth will be evaluated when these generate value for our present platform. What is the added value offered by Grupo Aval as an issuer to its shareholders? Grupo Aval stock is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This means that the company complies with all requirements which the SEC demands of issuers trading on the NYSE. Thus, data quality, transparency, reliability and timeliness are in line with SEC standards for presenting financial results. Quality of data processing and controls also meet SEC standards. This added value is only offered by three Colombian companies. PROTAGONISTAS Foto: Cortesía Banco de Occidente “Continuaremos enfoCados en potenCializar el CreCimiento orgániCo de nuestras entidades en los onCe países en donde operamos” ”We Will remain foCused on prompting the organiC groWth of our Companies in the eleven Countries Where We operate” 33