Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Companies 2014 Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Co | Page 31

GRUPO AVAL A LeAder thAt Knows where It Is GoInG What was the objective of Grupo Aval’s 2013 public offering of common stock? There were two objectives. The first, to virtually eliminate all financial leveraging other than the bond issues in the amount of $1.4 trillion pesos of the holding company, and the second was to reestablish the group’s liquidity, which had diminished following Grupo Aval’s participation of close to $1.0 trillion pesos in capitalizing Banco de Bogotá. How would you rate the company’s stock issue results? Excellent, in line with that anticipated. Given that the stock issue was subject to subscription rights, excess demand of any kind was impossible. Each common stock shareholder was given equal opportunity to participate in the capital increase so as not to dilute their ownership in the company. Upon completing the legally established time and in line with the time established in the prospectus for the stock issue, Grupo Aval had managed to place 1,855 million shares at $1,300 pesos per share in less than one month. PROTAGONISTAS Foto: Archivo Semana / Alejandro Acosta Vicepresidente de Planeación Financiera y Relación con Inversionistas. Vice President of Financial Planning and Investor Relations. Foto: Carlos Forero TATIANA URIBE BENNINGHOFF This conglomeraTe has obTained repeaTed successes in The colombian securiTies markeT. TaTiana uribe benninghoff, iTs Vice presidenT of financial planning and inVesTor relaTions speaks abouT The mosT recenT sTock issue. 31