Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Companies 2014 Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Co | Page 27
What is the added value offered by Bancolombia as an issuer
to its shareholders?
Carlos Raúl Yepes: Bancolombia offers people the possibility of
investing in a solid, profitable entity
with 139 years of constant growth.
Furthermore, we are an organization that assists people, companies
and governments through financing productive activities and providing solutions to different financial needs.
Therefore, when a person holds
a share of Bancolombia, also participates in the economic growth of
Colombia and gains profit from it as
well. In addition, it is a very liquid
stock that has been listed since 1945.
What was the objective of
Bancolombia’s recent preferred
shares public offering?
To increase the primary capital
of the bank, so that it might continue its sound growth and meet the
standards of an increasingly demanding industry in terms of capitalization. As of last year, the Colombian
regulator adopted new capital regu-
Foto: Archivo Semana / Juan Carlos Sierra
The presidenT of The
conglomeraTe, carlos raúl
Yepes sTaTed ThaT The public
offering of shares ThaT
The enTiTY issued in 2014
allowed Them To conTinue
growing and complYing
wiTh sTandards of an ever
demanding indusTrY in
Terms of capiTalizaTion.