Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Companies 2014 Guía de Emisores Acciones BVC ● Guide of Listed Co | Page 23
Presidente de
Avianca Holdings
CEO of Avianca
Fabio Villegas, president
oF the conglomerate,
discusses the company’s
entry to the american
capital market through an
american depositary shares
(adss) oFFer at the new
york stock exchange (nyse).
What is the added value offered by Avianca Holdings as a stock
There are several reasons that
make Avianca Holdings a solid, profitable issuer. Over the last several
years we have been working on a
business model with a differentiated
service, strategically diversified as far
as location, providing one of the best
coverages in Latin America, which
allows us to offer a network of routes
with more than 100 destinations in
26 countries in America and Europe,
served by one of the most modern, reliable fleets in the continent.
We have also been able to structure a business with income generation that goes beyond selling
airline tickets. To accomplish this,
we strengthened the business units
related to air transport. For this reason, Avianca Holdings now has a
portfolio of products and services
that, in addition to passenger transportation, includes cargo, courier,
sales of miles, aircraft maintenance
services, staff training, and tourism
products, as well as services for
specialized market niches. All of
this has enabled us to expand and
improve our income structure.
It should also be noted that
Avianca’s business strategy focuses
Foto: Archivo Semana / Alejandro Acosta
Foto: Cortesía Avianca
opens new
route to