GUTEN APPETIT Feb. 2014 | Page 8

“Great meals with great service!”

The Brotzeit German Bier Bar and Restaurant located at the ground floor of the Shangri-La Mall at Mandaluyong City, it was one of the best restaurant I've tried for this month. It was a casual dining restaurant with a bar for it is a

German Restaurant therefor catering to both Filipino and German customers. We were so excited to dine at this restaurant for it looks like a elegant casual dining feeling. The place was a mixture of being rustic, modern and contemporary, and elegant at the same time. We are aware for the very first that the prices of the dishes at this restaurant was quite expensive so we decided to go on the platter which comprises of their signiture dish and some side dishes that is good enough for us four individuals. Some of the dishes were quite common for we had a chance to encounter it at school like the Weiner Schnitzel, Spaetzle, Sausages, and many more. Their signiture dish was the roasted pork knuckles that is similar to

the filipino dish Crispy Pata. The only thing the differs is the use of the meat part and of course the flavorings.

Th edessert that we ordered was the one that is common to us and is within our budget which is the Strudel which is common to an apple pie. Most of the dishes on their menu were authentic since all of them are in german terms. Not only that they are in german terminologies but some of it are well known for being german dishes. Good thing we try out their platter so we can try

their higly recommended dishes. Most of the dishes on their menu were authentic since all of them are in german terms. Not only that they are in german

terminologies but some of it are well known for being german dishes. Good thing we try out their platter so we can try

their higly recommended dishes.

Critique by: Chad Purugganan