The Guru and the Disciple
their desire is? It is the desire for recognition, fame and importance.
People call out to them, ‘Come in sir, please come in, come in!’
When people address them in this way, they taste the sweetness
of getting respect. That is called garvaras (the sweet juice of
doer ship), people feed them, and they keep tasting it! The pleasure
of tasting that sweetness is incomparable!
The fact that you find a Satguru means you qualify!
Questioner: Once we find a satguru, do we not have to
continue our spiritual seeking (sadhana) under his instructions?
Dadashri: There is an end to spiritual seeking. Your efforts
to seek should be for six to twelve months. It should not take
forty-fifty years!
Questioner: That depends on the seeker’s qualifications.
Dadashri: There is no need for qualification. If you find a
satguru, then there is no need for qualifications. And if you have
not found a satguru, then you need to qualify! If the satguru has
a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts), then that is the level of his qualification,
and if he has a B.A., B.T. (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor in Teaching)
then that would be the level of his qualification. Your qualification
is not needed in this.
Questioner: No, I am not talking about worldly
qualifications. But are there not qualifications for one’s spiritual
Dadashri: No, once you meet the satguru there is no need
for any qualification. The fact that you meet a satguru is in itself,
your highest punya (merit karma effect).
Questioner: But after meeting the satguru, is there no
need for any spiritual effort? Is everything done solely through the
Dadashri: No, you only need to carry out the instructions