The Guru and the Disciple
Dadashri: There is a big difference between the Gnani
Purush and the guru! The guru is always for the worldly life. Without
a Gnani Purush, there is no liberation. The guru takes us further in
the worldly life and he makes us just the way he is. Other than
this, he cannot give you anything more. And liberation is what the
Gnani Purush gives. Therefore, you need a guru for the worldly
interaction, but for liberation (nischay), you need the Gnani Purush.
You need them both.
What does the guru do? He studies further and he continues
to teach those who follow him. I am a Gnani Purush; it is not my
business to learn and teach. If you want moksha (liberation), then
I will give you all the solutions; I will simply change your vision.
Whatever bliss I have attained, I make others attain that very bliss
and then I move aside.
The guru gives gnan and the Gnani gives Vignan, i.e. the
guru gives knowledge and the Gnani gives the Absolute Science.
Knowledge will make you bind punya in the worldly life and will
show you the path. The science will take you to moksha. A guru
is a teacher of a kind. He has adopted certain principles himself
and his speech is good, so he brings others into discipline. He
cannot do anything else; however, people become happier in the
worldly life because they enter into a discipline. And the Gnani Purush
will take you to moksha because he has the license for moksha.
There is nothing wrong in having a worldly guru. We ought
to have a worldly guru whom we can follow. But the Gnani cannot
be called a guru. The Gnani is the supreme Soul in a human form.
He is not the owner of his body, mind, or speech.
The guru too, has to go to the Gnani Purush because within
him there are weaknesses of anger, pride, deceit, and greed; there
is ego and ‘my-ness (mamata)’ in him. If you offer him a gift, he
will make you put it inside quietly. There is ego and ‘my-ness’
wherever you look; it is bound to be there! But people do need
gurus also!