The Guru and the Disciple
past lifetimes, I must have been with a guru and that is why this
Gnan manifested in this lifetime!
But I had no inkling that such a phenomenal Gnan would
come about. Nevertheless, it exploded completely at Surat Station.
Then it occurred to me what an extraordinary science this was! It
occurred to me that everyone’s punya must have come into fruition;
someone has to become a nimit, right? People began to think,
“This Dada has experienced this Gnan so spontaneously and
easily”, but that is not the case. In my previous life, I had made
someone my guru and this is the result of that. So, nothing can be
accomplished without a guru. The succession of gurus will always
be there.
The Importance of a living Guru
Questioner: Can a guru guide his disciple even though he
is not present?
Dadashri: A guru is only useful if he is living and present
otherwise, he is of no use; then that guru cannot help you. How
can a non-living guru help you? If you have met the guru, if you
have spent ten or fifteen years together with him, if you have served
him for several years and became one with him (ektaa), you will
still reap some benefit from that guru even if he has passed away.
Otherwise, he is of no use, no matter how hard you try.
Questioner: So the gurus that we have not seen cannot
help us at all?
Dadashri: There will be some benefit. You will gain the
benefit of your concentration of energy (ekagrata), however, that
benefit will be only worldly in nature. As compared to a non-
living guru, a less-qualified living guru is better.
Questioner: If a guru has taken samadhi (left the world);
can he help us later?
Dadashri: If you had developed a relationship with him