The Guru and the Disciple
whatever facts this discussion will bring out. We will talk about
the ultimate destination too. You ask, and I will answer.
Questioner: It is also said that the guru cannot give Gnan
and that Gnan cannot be obtained without a guru. Can you explain
Dadashri: That is true, is it not? If the guru ever tells you,
‘It (Gnan) happened because of me,’ then it is incorrect. Another
person may say, ‘It happens without the guru,’ which, too, is
incorrect. How do I address this issue? I tell you, ‘I am giving you
that which is already yours. I am not giving you anything that is
Questioner: You are a nimit in all this, are you not?
Dadashri: Yes, of course, I am a nimit. I am telling you
myself that I am a nimit. I am merely a nimit! But if you hold that
I am simply a nimit then you will be at a loss. This is because your
upkari bhaav (your sense of gratitude towards me) will disappear.
The greater your gratitude towards me, the greater the results you
attain. The upkari bhaav is regarded as bhakti (devotion and
Questioner: If we consider you a nimit, then our upkari
bhaav goes away. I do not understand this.
Dadashri: I am telling you that I am a nimit, but if you
believe that I am a nimit then you will not benefit. If you feel
gratitude towards me, then you will see the results. That is a rule
of the world. However, this nimit (Dada) is a nimit that will take
you to moksha, so have a lot of gratitude. One has to surrender to
the Gnani Purush. In addition to feeling a deep gratitude, you
should surrender your all; the mind, the body, and the speech.
One should feel that he wants to do this readily and without
Even the vitarags (fully enlightened ones), have said that