The Guru and the Disciple
That is why you need a guru until the very end. It is extremely
difficult to reach the final destination (moksha).
Questioner: A guru is needed for worldly tasks and worldly
knowledge. But to see yourself as you are, you do not need a
guru. Is that not so?
Dadashri: You need a guru in the worldly life and you
need a guru on the path of liberation (moksha). Only a few people
would say that a guru is not needed. You cannot do without a
guru. The guru is a light. You need a guru until the very end.
Shrimad Rajchandra (Gnani Purush 1867-1901) has said that you
will need a guru until the twelfth gunthana (a stage of spiritual
development in the Kramic path), i.e., until you become God.
Questioner: My question is not to oppose the need for a
guru. I am trying to understand the issue.
Dadashri: Yes, but really a guru is needed in this world. I
too still have a guru! I sit here as the disciple of the whole world.
So then, who is my guru? People! That is why there is a need for
a guru until the very end.
Regardless of what the truth may be, is there anything wrong
in telling the truth? If something is wrong, the Gnani Purush will
immediately say so regardless of whether that person is a king or
just a commoner! If you do not believe me then I do not have any
objections. But I would not let things continue as they are. I have
come to tell the facts to the entire world because until now
everything has been hollow and without any substance. Just look
at the predicament of India today! Just look!
I cannot speak insincerely and inaccurately. What is the
world looking for? People claim it is acceptable to speak
insincerely and inaccurately to avoid interference and conflict.
However, I cannot utter even a single word that is insincere or
unsubstantiated. Though I know how to, I cannot speak that
way. All I can say is, “It is” to that which is, and “It is not” to