The Guru and the Disciple
Dadashri: You do not have accidents because you have
brakes in your car. Should you remove the brakes?
Questioner: What is the need of hanging on to him once
he shows me the way?
Dadashri: You will need a guru until the very end. The
guru needs his own guru. When do we need schoolteachers? Don’t
you need them when you wish to become educated? And what if
you do not want to study? If you do not want to benefit from
anything then there is no point in making someone your guru, but
if you wish to benefit, then you need to have a guru. It is not
mandatory; it is voluntary. If you want to learn, you need a teacher.
If you want to know about spirituality, then you need a guru, and
if you do not wish to know anything, then it does not matter.
There is no law that says you have to do it this way.
Here, even if you want to go to the station, you need a
guru. Therefore, won’t you need a guru for religion? You need a
guru at every level.
There is no knowledge without a Guru
Without a guru, no knowledge of any kind can be attained.
Neither worldly knowledge nor spiritual knowledge can be attained
without a guru. It is wrong to have expectations of knowledge
(Gnan) without a guru.
Questioner: One man says that Gnan (Gnan Vidhi in
Akram) is not something that is to be taken or given, but rather it
is something that happens. Can you explain this?
Dadashri: This is a discovery of people who are deluded.
They claim, “Gnan is not to be taken, neither is it to be given.
Gnan happens spontaneously”, but that state of delusion never
One grows up learning the knowledge he has been given.
The teacher gives you knowledge and you take it. You in turn give