Our Readers Write
The folowing letter was to our
Department Editor Colby Sorrells.
Hello Mr. Sorrells,
I’m a reader of your column “Tackle
Time” in Gulf Coast Fisherman
magazine and wanted to suggest a topic.
I would like you to consider writing a
piece about converting from treble hooks
to single hooks on plugs. I first read about
this in Plugger by Rudy Grigar and didn’t
think too much of it. Lately, (during the
few times that I actually do get to get
out and fish) I’ve started to notice the
number of fish that end up with the
additional treble hook dug into an eye or
gills (besides the one in their mouth).
Look at the fish on the cover of this
summer’s issue of Gulf Coast Fisherman.
This hookset makes survival tough on
undersized fish. A number of hook
manufacturers are marketing “single
replacement hook” with a large eye (to
give free rotation around the split ring).
Please think this over.
Best Regards,
Paul Wallace
Took my son and grandson to Port
Aransas,TX for a fishing trip the weekend
of August 12, 2017. We stopped and got
some live shrimp and frozen mullet
because the kids left my casting net
behind. They took me to a ferry boat on
N. Tarpon that took us across to the
jetties. From there we walked about 100
yards to the beach and started wade
fishing for reds or trout with no luck.
After a couple of hours we went to
the jetties and started on the frozen
mullet. Within 15 minutes we were
bringing in small black tip sharks. The
biggest one was 42 inches caught by my
grandson Isaiah Rameriz age 12 years
Alex Aleman
San Antonio, TX
Send us a picture of your
catch of the day with a brief
explanation identifying who,
what, when and where
so we can feature you in
“Our Readers Write”.
[email protected]
Gulf Coast Fisherman, PO Box 8,
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
Thanks for your note. Glad to hear
from someone that is as interested in
hooks as I am. I did an article on using
single hooks titled “Hooks How Many
Do You Need?” in the Spring 2006 issue
of Gulf Coast Fisherman. That’s a long
time ago now! Maybe it’s time to revisit
the subject.
One thing anglers can do to help
release fish more easily is to bend down
the barb on their hooks. The barb was
originally designed to hold natural bait
on the hook. I have found it is especially
important to bend down the barbs on
lures with multiple treble hooks.
By bending down the barb the hook
easily backs out without any further
damage to the fish. And, there’s an added
bonus, if the hook happens to catch some
human skin. It comes out a lot easier than
a hook with the barbs left up.
Certainly, using single hook lures
when casting to schooling fish is a good
option. Thank you for your readership
and I hope you get out there and catch
some fish soon.
Colby Sorrells
Tackle Time Editor
Hello. I thought this might be
interesting for you to publish during red
snapper season. My son, Mathew Grant,
caught an enormous red snapper this past
June in Port Aransas, TX. It turns out to
be the biggest red snapper caught at
Woodys, in Port Aransas of 2017. The
snapper weighed in at 24 lbs and Mathew
needed thehelp of Captain Arthur Serrano
to reel it in.
Mathew is 17 and attends King High
School in Corpus Christi, Texas and plays
Latysha Grant
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