Gulf Coast Fisherman Magazine Vol 39 No. 3 - SUMMER 2015 | Page 4

Harold Wells GULF COAST FISHERMAN GARY RALSTON Publisher/Editor DEPARTMENT EDITORS David Ayers • Pete Cooper, Jr. Jeff Herman • John Hook Patrick Lemire • Jim Martin Colby Sorrells CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Capt. Robert Brodie Chester Moore, Jr. Al Rogers • David A. Brown Capt. Nate Skinner Vernon Summerlin Capt. Mike Thompson Capt. Danno Wise Production/Design Janna Ralston Advertising Jennifer Schulte [email protected] [email protected] GCF Advertising P.O. Box 8, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 Phone/Fax: (361) 552-8864 Administration Gary Ralston • Editor Janna Ralston • Production/Design Jennifer Schulte • Advertising Staff • Circulation Warner/International Periodical Services • Newsstand Distribution GULF COAST FISHERMAN (ISSN 0164-3746) is published quarterly by Harold Wells Gulf Coast Fisherman, Inc., 211 Oakglen Dr., Port Lavaca, Texas 77979. Phone (361)552-8864. Copyright 2015. Single copy at $4.50. Subscription is $15.00 for one year (4 issues); $28.00 for two years (8 issues); and, $40.00 for three years (12 issues). Periodical postage paid at Port Lavaca, Texas and at additional mailing offices. Address correspondence concerning subscription or address changes to Gulf Coast Fisherman, P.O. Box 8, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 (361) 552-8864. Unsolicited contributions are welcomed, but will not be acknowledged or returned unless accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelope. Articles, photos, artwork, and other material should be addressed to the Editor. We can not be responsible for unsolicited material. The contents of this magazine may not be reprinted without written permission. Advertising rates on request. Standard commissions to accredited advertising agencies. Send new product information to Gulf Coast Fisherman, P.O. Box 8, Port Lavaca, Texas 77979. Advertising Sales Office, Gulf Coast Fisherman, 211 Oakglen Dr., Port Lavaca,Texas 77979. Phone/Fax (361) 552-8864. POSTMASTER: Send P.O.D. Form 3579 to: Gulf Coast Fisherman, P. O. Box 8, Port Lavaca, TX 77979. 4 GULF COAST FISHERMAN with Wells Daily Fishing Forecast Vol. 39 No. 3 J U L Y - AUGUST - SEPTEMBER C ONTENTS 2015 FEATURES Seeing Red! by John N. Felsher ............................................. 6 ‘Bama’s good old days of snapper fishing are here now! Lydia Ann’s Red Hot Summer by Nate Skinner 7 Port A’s Lydia Ann Channel - A great summer destination. Nearshore Reefs by David A. Brown .......................... 10 The bottom’s bounty is within easy reach of small boats. DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS Tackle Time - The Dixie Jet ............................................ 8 Rod & Reelin’ - Kingfish Stinger Rig ............................ 9 Gulf Coast Closeup - Choctawhatchee Bay ............... 11 Equipment Notebook - Rod Maintenance ................. 12 The Bay Naturalist - ‘Tis the Season! ....................... 28 The Fly Guy - Reds on the Beach ................................ 29 Paddling Out - Adventure Fishing World ................... 31 The Bait Hook - Those Big Brown Fish ...................... 34 DEPARTMENTS Editor's Notes ..........................