Guideline on Buying Tires Tires - The Foundation Of Your Car | Page 4

Top 4 best all- season tires • Sumic GTA – This model comes with a size range of 13 to 17 inches and speed rating of V, H, S and T. The Sumic also includes a 45,000 mile warranty. With a smooth and steady handling experience, the tire offers good performance in all weather. It also has reduced road noise and muted noise at lower speeds. Just like the other all-season tires, the Sumic tire is designed to perform effectively on icy roads. These tires are very good for the price. • Goodyear Wrangler Radial Tire – Even after being on the market for many years, this tire still remains a good choice for trucks, jeeps and SUVS. It was designed for use on paved roads and stickier situations. It has an average effect when it comes to reducing road noise. However, for most people this model might not provide an aesthetically appealing tread design due to its age. That might be the only major flaw, because the Wrangler Radial Tire is quite durable and reliable.