Guide to Garner 2022-23 | Page 6

Town Council Overview of Town Government

Ken Marshburn Mayor kmarshburn @ garnernc . gov 919.773.4404 ( office )
Term expires December 2023
Elmo Vance Mayor Pro Tem
( Council Member ) evance @ garnernc . gov
Term expires December 2023
Kathy Behringer
Council Member kbehringer @ garnernc . gov
Term expires December 2025
Demian Dellinger
Council Member ddellinger @ garnernc . gov
Term expires December 2023
Phil Matthews
Council Member pmatthews @ garnernc . gov
Term expires December 2023
FORM OF GOVERNMENT The Town of Garner operates under the council-manager form of government . The Town Council is a five-member body . All seats are at-large . The Council enacts ordinances and resolutions , adopts the annual budget , approves the financing of all Town operations and capital projects , and authorizes contracts of significant scope . The town manager is responsible for implementing the policies of the Council and managing the dayto-day operations of the Town government .
MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO TEM The mayor presides at Town Council meetings and signs documents authorized by the Town Council . The mayor pro tem is selected by Council members after each election cycle . He or she assumes all mayoral duties in the absence of the mayor .
ELECTION PROCESS Regular municipal elections are held in the Town of Garner every other November in odd-numbered years and are conducted in accordance with the uniform municipal election laws of the state of North Carolina . In the mayoral election , the top vote getter wins . Top vote getters also win the open seats for Town Council . If there are , for example , two open seats for Council , the two top vote getters are declared winners .
TOWN COUNCIL VOTES Official approval of the Town Council is by majority vote , provided that a quorum — which is a majority of the full membership of the Council — is present . Every member must vote unless excused by the remaining members , according to statute . Unless a present Council member is excused from voting ,
Gra Singleton
Council Member gsingleton @ garnernc . gov
Term expires December 2025
4 garnernc . gov his or her silence is recorded as an affirmative vote .
TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS The Town Council has regular meetings on the first Monday and on the Tuesday following the third Monday of each month at 7 p . m . in the Council Chambers on the first floor of Town Hall , located 900 7th Ave . These meetings are live streamed at facebook . com / townofgarner and at youtube . com / townofgarner . They are also videotaped and later broadcast on the Town ’ s public , educational and governmental channel , GTV11 ( Spectrum channel 11 ). The recorded meetings also can be viewed on demand on the Town ’ s website , garnernc . gov , and on the Town ’ s YouTube channel , youtube . com / townofgarner .
The Council holds work sessions on the last Tuesday of the month at 6 p . m ., also in the Council Chambers . In addition , special meetings of the Council may be called . Agendas for all meetings are posted at garnernc . gov / government / town-council / towncouncil-agendas-and-minutes .
Minutes of all meetings are kept and recorded by the town clerk or deputy town clerk . The minutes are then presented to the Council for approval . The minutes , as well as audio recordings of the meetings and the aforementioned videos , are available at garnernc . gov .
The Council receives public comments at the beginning of both regular meetings . Any person wishing to speak may sign in prior to the beginning of the meeting or submit a request to the Town Clerk ’ s Office by going to garnernc . gov / government / town-council .