Guide to Town Services and Amenities (continued)
building codes and local laws related to the
construction of buildings and other structures;
oversight of installation of such facilities as
plumbing systems, electrical systems, heating
systems, refrigeration systems, air-conditioning
systems and fi re alarm and sprinkler systems; the
maintenance of buildings and other structures
in a safe, sanitary and healthy condition; street
addressing; and other related matters specifi ed
by the Town Council. Before starting construction
or repairs, contact the Inspections Department at
(919) 773-4433.
The Engineering Department oversees the
development of public infrastructure including
Town streets, sidewalks and greenways, storm
water drainage and the water and sewer utility
system. The Engineering Department is the
primary contact for issues regarding potential
illicit discharges into the storm drainage system.
Although the City of Raleigh is the owner and
operator of the Town’s public water and sewer
utility systems, Town Engineering staff can provide
general information regarding the existing utility
system layout, proposed system expansion plans
and general design guidelines and standards.
Engineering can be reached at (919) 773-4425.
The Town’s Economic Development Department
works to recruit and retain businesses so Garner
can have a strong tax base and its residents
can have access to good jobs. The department
promotes the Town’s assets and builds
partnerships with citizens and businesses,
other Town departments, boards and
commissions, elected offi cials, state agencies,
regional stakeholders, civic organizations
and other nonprofi ts, the Garner Chamber of
Commerce and others. For more information
about economic development matters in
Garner, please call (919) 773-4431.
The Town’s downtown development manager
works with the Downtown Garner Association
(DGA) to improve Garner’s historic downtown.
The DGA sees downtown Garner as an active hub
of sports and recreation, the center of arts and
culture for the community and home to a growing
number of creative and tech entrepreneurs. The
DGA leads the implementation of the Historic
Downtown Garner Plan developed in partnership
with the Town of Garner and approved by the
Town Council in 2010. The plan is a market-based,
community-led vision for the downtown area that
includes a plan of action for implementation. The
Town and DGA provide support and technical
assistance to downtown businesses, conduct long-
term planning for downtown redevelopment and
organize and sponsor special events downtown.
For more information, contact the downtown
development manager at (919) 773-4402 or visit
The Garner Chamber of Commerce is also an
important resource for local businesses and
entrepreneurs. To learn more, call (919) 772-6440
or visit