Guide to Common Noxious Roadside Plants in New York | Page 5



The NYS DEC has done some giant hogweed eradication projects since 2009. Known locations can be reported to the DEC at 1-845-256-3111. It is highly recommended that private landowners hire a professional landscaper to remove the plant to ensure safe procedures are followed.

*Mechanical: Wear protective clothing, including gloves, long sleeve shirts, pants, and eye protection. Wash immediately with soap and water afterwards. Mature Plants: Remove flower heads before flowers erupt to prevent seed growth and dispersal. Remove the plant roots at least 2 inches below the soil surface. Return to the site regularly to remove any new plant growth. Immature Plants: Mow every two weeks to exhaust the seed bank in the soil. This may take 3-5 years. For small confined infestations, cut plants at ground level and cover the soil with black plastic. Monitor to ensure seedlings do not penetrate the plastic mulch.

*Herbicide: Effective herbicides include glyphosate and tryclopyr. Foliar herbicide applications are most effective in spring on actively growing plants, followed with a subsequent summer application for late sprouts. Treatments need to be repeated annually until the seed bank is exhausted.

*Disposal: Do Not Burn. Do Not Compost. Bury if possible to avoid accidental contact by others.