Guide to Common Noxious Roadside Plants in New York | Page 19

Hemlock Wooly Adelgid

Hemlock Wooly Adelgid (HWA) was first discovered along the major Finger Lakes in 2009, and continues to spread near major water bodies. It is unknown if this pest can survive at higher, colder elevations in the Southern Tier. HWA is a tiny sucking scale insect that can be identified by the presence of small, white cottony balls (protective cover) at the needle base. Affected trees gradually lose their needles and die.

Sirex Wood Wasp

Sirex Wood Wasp is a non-native pest that was first identified in NY in 2007, and has since been found throughout most of the state. This wasp aggressively attacks some conifers (especially pines), weakening and eventually killing them. Affected trees show numerous exit holes (~ 1/4” diameter), usually with oozing resin.