Guide Internacional de Catalogação de Obra de Arte Guide International de Catalogation | Page 79
É dition S péciale - 5 ème année A u C arrousel du L ouvre
é proibido Proibir, 2018, mixte sur toile, 162 x 233 cm.
” I love the emotion that makes me feel the fact to
stay linked to each one of my works, getting the
impression that each one of them is a part of me. I
want my art to express and reflect who I really am. In
most of my works, I am using mixed techniques and
doing some experiments with different elements
and colors but, as I am a Brazilian, on each stroke gi-
ven the color key role is becoming more important, it
transmit understanding, life, love and Art initiation.
It expresses who I am. It is my soul. My ultimate aim
is to incentivize people to want to surpass themsel-
ves and to help them to realize their dreams… I am
not doing Art, I am living Art.”
Tiago Magro
Visual Artist.
Tiago Magro is an artist multimedia who was born
in Brazil. His work shows some influences from the
80´s and 90´s, but at the same time is absorbing all
the elements of a modern palette and transmitting
a refreshing energy.
He has been working in urban areas in New York,
Miami and also Brazil. He is using several kinds of
materials (including stencils, spray paints, epoxies,
varnishes and newspapers) to transmit his passion
and his love of life.
Heloiza Azevedo
Curator, Writer &
Cultural Producer.