Guide Internacional de Catalogação de Obra de Arte Guide International de Catalogation | Page 26
Inno est le nom artistique de Felipe Innocente,
né à São Paulo, dans le traditionnel quartier de la
Mooca. Il a 38 ans, est formé en publicité et tra-
vaille depuis plus de 11 ans comme directeur d´Art
et de Dessin Graphique.
L´Art l´accompagne depuis son plus jeune âge. Entre
2003 et 2004, il a vécu en Californie et à Londres,
puis de 2010 à 2011, à Castel Raimundo, en Italie où il
a acquis un important bagage culturel et une gran-
de expérience en travaux artistiques, interventions
urbaines. Il a réalisé plus de 1001 Interventions en
Europe avec son Sticker Zé-Ri-Co. Il a aussi pratiqué
ce genre d´Interventions à São Paulo, et se dédie au
Street Art. Il a été le premier brésilien à peindre des
murs à Braccano, en Italie, une ville réputée pour ses
façades peintes par des artistes du monde entier.
Il a participé au Vivo Call Parade et sa cabine
téléphonique a été exposée sur la Place de la Sé,
à São Paulo. Actuellement, il a un atelier dans
le quartier de la Mooca où il partage son temps
entre sa carrière artistique et la communication.
En 2018, il reviendra à Paris où il participera, pour
la troisième fois, au Salon International d´Art Con-
temporain au Carrousel du Louvre, un évènment
qui lui a déjà ouvert les portes des Etats Unis, où
il vient de participer à deux grandes expositions à
New York et à Miami.
Heloiza Azevedo
Commissaire d’Art, Ecrivain,
Productrice Culturelle.
Inno is the artistic nickname of Felipe Innocente, a
38 years Brazilian artist, who was born in São Paulo
- in the Mooca traditional quarter. He is graduated in
Publicity and is now working for more than 11 years
as a Graphic Art and Design Director. He is into Art
since he was a child and he is investing in the evoluti-
on of this process.
In between 2003 and 2004, he has been living in
California and in London. Then he moved to Castel
Raimondo, in Italy, where he lived from 2010 to 2011
and acquired a cultural knowledge and some expe-
rience in artistic works, Urban Interventions and
Communication. He realized more than 1001 Inter-
ventions in Europe, with his Sticker Zé-Ri-Co and still
carries on producing some more In São Paulo whe-
re he has been dedicating is time to realize street
He has been the first Brazilian to paint the walls
of Braccano, an Italian town known for its faca-
des painted by artists from all over the world. He
also took part in the Vivo Call Parade and his phone
booth has been exposed at Praça da Sé Square –
São Paulo – Brazil. Now he has a studio in the São
Paulo Mooca district where he is cheering his time
between his artistic career and Communication.
In 2018, he will go back to Paris, to take part, for
the third time, in the International Contemporary
Art Salon, at the Carrousel du Louvre, an event that
already open him the doors to the USA, where, ear-
lier this year, he displayed his works in New York
and Miami.
Heloiza Azevedo
Curator, Writer and
Cultural Producer.