Guide Internacional de Catalogação de Obra de Arte Guide International de Catalogation | Page 19
É dition S péciale - 5 ème année A u C arrousel du L ouvre
Ismênia, 2018, acrylique sur toile, 40 x 50 cm. Nêmesis, 2018, acrylique sur toile, 40 x 50 cm.
Alessandra Pauletti, was born in São Paulo, now
she is living in Nova Pádua, in the State of Rio
Grande do Sul, in Brazil. She is using several kinds
of supports and techniques as the acrylic on can-
vas, collages and golden leaves applications, to
create her works which could be abstract or figu-
rative and then her topics would be ranging from
feminine portraits to flowers or Mandalas. "The women of my family, my mother and my aunts,
have always been bold, determined and indepen-
dent; they always overcame the barriers imposed
by our society, they believed in their intuition and
in their own strength. They wanted to be happy but
knew that for this, tough moments would be part of
the process of overcoming that they used to experi-
ment almost daily".
She attended several painting and drawing clas-
ses and took part in Art and creation workshops
at the Caxias do Sul University. She tells us a little
about her creations inspired by the Feminine Uni-
verse and by Klimt:
Jaqueline Pauletti
Escritorio de Arte e Criatividade Jaqueline Pauletti.