Guide Internacional de Catalogação de Obra de Arte Guide International de Catalogation | Page 14
To speak about the primitive and the essence living
in each one of us is a challenge. Since man exists
in this world he seeks, through art, to reveal his
everyday life, his history to assert his essence and
values that seem important to him, looking for a
esthetic effects to fix in time his daily struggle.
Her Muses offer us an appropriate alternative, at
a time of increasing inequalities, atrocities and
wars that kill young people, children and decima-
te whole populations. I see this series as a call to
human consciousness, an edifying strength that
enriches the contemporaneity.
Heloiza Azevedo
Curator, Biographer,
Cultural Producer and
Founder of the Heclectik-Art Gallery.
Zoravia Bettiol is Telling us About Her Artistic career
A stimulating cultural atmosphere, a lot of affection,
a great family understanding, a feeling of social jus-
tice but also freedom and responsibility, allied to the
respect of the environment, have form the basis of
my personality and have been used as raw material
of my artistic expression development.
I thought that systematic studies and knowledge
of the technique were necessary to allow me to
express myself with more freedom and confiden-
ce. That’s why I sign up for the Beaux-Arts where I
studied from 1951 to 1955, giving priority to painting.
Later on, I studied other disciplines related to the Vi-
sual Arts, taking courses in Brazil, Poland, and the
United States.
For 62 years I practice engraving, drawing, pain-
ting, textile arts, design, mural painting. I create
objects, mount installations and did some perfor-
mances. I participated in 140 individual exhibitions
and more than 400 collectives, in various cities of
South America, Europe, United States and Japon.
To qualify my artistic production I will distinguish
six main characteristics: lyricism, mythical, social,
ecology, playful and humor. I am living in Porto
Alegre and, in addition to my studio, I also have an
Art Gallery, where I display my works.
Many of them belong already to some private colle-
ctors or are already part of some famous museum’s
collection, as the Metropolitan Museum and the
Brooklyn Museum in New York; the Kunstindustrie-
Museet, in Oslo, the Cabinet of Prints and the Natio-
nal Library, in Paris, The Kyoto Modern Art Museum
and, in Brazil: The MARGS, the MAM-SP, the MASP
and the Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo, the
FAAP Brazilian Art Museum, the MAM-RIO, the Rio
de Janeiro National Museum. Some of them are in
Brasilia where they are part of the Republic Presi-
dency private collection. Recently, in São Paulo, I re-
ceived an Award in tribute to all my Art Work, from
the Brazilian Art Critics Association (ABCA).
Zoravia Bettiol
VIisual Artist and Founder of the
Zoravia Bettiol Institute - Brazil.
Porto Alegre, 1st of June 2018.