Guests of Gotham Special Issue 50 Shades of Harley | Page 3

Amelia Poole HarlequinartsCosplayand Crafts

Growingup , Ineverreallygotinto comicbooks . Myparents nevermentioned them , apartfrom a couplemovies . Myfirstintroduction into geekculturehappened when Iwasprobablyonlysixor seven . Isnuckdownstairsat1:30 am to seewhatwason TV , and when I turned iton , Idiscovered StarTrek . I ’ m not100 % sure , butIthinkit wasNextGeneration re-runs . I ’ d sneakdown thereeverynightin orderto watch the “ spaceshow ”. Flash forward approximatelyten yearsto mysenioryearofHigh School . Iwasa hugetheaterparticipantand Presidentofthetheaterclub . Oneofmyfriendsapproached meforhelpwith a Joker / HarleyQuinn shortscene . Ilearned fastand heneeded a Harley , so heasked meto research thecharacterand learn thevoice .
OnceIstarted , Iabsolutelyfellin lovewith thecharacter . She had a charm and witabouther , a mischievousbrattinessthatI adore , butatthesametimewasnothingbutkind and genuineto those shecared about . HarleyQuinn hasalwaysbeen myfavoritebecauseof theamountoftroublesshe ’ shad to overcome . Shewentfrom an abusiverelationshipto beingoneofthemostfeared women in Gotham . She ’ stheonlyvillain to breakinto Arkham byherself . Sheknowsshe ’ s been abused and isworkingto overcomeit , yetstillmanagesto maintain thebubbly , cheerfulexteriorwe ’ veallcometo know and love . Portrayingthatkind ofconfidencehasbeen a veryempoweringexperience , and seeingthelookson people ’ sfaceswhen theyseeclassic
4 HarleyissomethingI ’ llnevertireof .