Guest Hook Travel Guides Las Vegas | Page 3

MEET YOUR INSIDER AMY FIRMANI... I came to Vegas because there was a cute guy living there that I was falling in love with – I was just out of law school and going there sounded like a fun break from the studies to spend time with him in all those exciting surroundings! A few months later we discovered a home being constructed that we saw as a diamond in the rough. It was a perfect location for us, close to the strip and many other amenities, yet in a quiet neighborhood. We purchased the house and were able to make design changes such as the fabulous circular staircase and relocating the garage entrance, creating a side driveway. We were just buying the house initially as an investment but over a few years we turned it into OUR beautiful home, adding personal touches to every room. We even added three kids and a dog! However, in mid-2012, the deteriorating economy in Las Vegas forced me to take a job in California and we had to relocate there. We had invested so much money into creating this beautiful home that we did not want to give it up – we had made it our dream home. Our hearts and love are still there! “Our home had always been open to visitors - famiy from out-of-state, relatives & friends from Europe, an Italian exchange student and many more!” Contact Amy: Simply click any of the buttons below to find out more about Amy's vacation rental in Vegas... Alternatively feel free to call Amy direct on +1.702.835.6111 We had to either rent it full time or try it as a vacation rental. Our home had always been open to visitors – family from out-of–state, relatives and friends from Europe, an Italian exchange student and many more. We ourselves are big VRBO people. With three kids, we don’t really enjoy hotels. So we thought we’d try renting it as a vacation home. If we can’t live there, we are happy to share it with others who can enjoy it. It’s been a great experience and we’ve come to know a lot of interesting people. The once world champions in dodge ball stay with us every year. They love the spa to relax in after the games. We have had a group of soccer girls and their coaches from Denmark stay with us. The people who make Steaz Tea have stayed at the house (this is one of my favorite drinks!). Our guests also include some really fun groups from Canada. . . .those crazy Canadians love Vegas! Some of the best experiences we hear about come from families that use the house as a time to be together before they ship their son or daughter off to Iraq or someplace not so pleasant to serve our country (we give them 10% off as a thank you)... or the families that often tell each other, "We should all get together sometime in Vegas.” Finally they do make the plans and book our house and we love hearing that they had a great time together. These are the stories that make us realize that the decision to turn our wonderful home into a vacation rental was the right one! Amy in Reviews: Amy's Makeover: