It is very PSOE , and they were giving things ( concessions ), to make URBANIZATIONS , PLAZA makes competition to his polygon , he was wrong with recycling ( that ’ s why sometimes they set fire to everything ). All that we know ( but that would have to be documented ) is that the concession1 of the LÓPEZ SORIANO RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY PARK ( or PTR López Soriano - an industrial estate installed in 835 hectares in the Torrero-La Paz district of the municipal district of Zaragoza ) was A fuck , a TREMENDOUS MAMON ( he came from being scrap metal , etc .). In the news of 06 / 07 / 2015 that EDUARDO BAYONA took out , it was indicated that the bad bank is personified , only in the courts of Saragossa , in half a hundred of judicial procedures derived from the management of toxic assets coming from banks intervened . But that also litigates in the competition of creditors of the Technology Park of the Recycled Lopez Soriano , that is in phase of LIQUIDATION when hardly it has passed a decade of that it promoted a polygon that in its day was presented like the one does not go of the RECYCLING . A manager and an employee of that business group would sit in the bench of the AUDIENCIA OF ZARAGOZA in September to face an accusation of ecological crime by the supposed emission to the atmosphere tons of greenhouse gases . Prosecutor ’ s Office requested that they be sentenced to pay compensation amounting to SIX MILLION EUROS .
THE SUPREME COURT has recently ratified the sentence of two years in jail imposed on it in 2015 by the PROVINCIAL COURT OF ZARAGOZA to the businessman Valero López , owner of the López Soriano Group , for the launching into the atmosphere ( see news 1 of 03 / 06 / 2016 ) Of polluting gases from one of its recycling plants *. VALERO LÓPEZ VILLALBA is the sole administrator of the López Soriano business group , which since 2008 has been awarded the management of hazard ( ous waste electrical and electronic equipment in the Recycling Technology Park ‘ López Soriano ’, located in the town of Torrecilla Valmadrid . * The Provincial Court considered it proved that from 2007 to 2010 a total of 455,150,235 refrigerators entered the recycling plant , of which 112,877,262 KILOGRAMS OF CFC GASES MUST HAVE BEEN EXTRACTED , whereas only 58,340 kilograms were extracted correctly .
EXPLOTACIONES INMOBILIARIAS TABUENCA SA . Founded and presided over by Pablo Tabuenca Muñoz , Construcciones Tabuenca has more than 50 years of activity , mainly in Aragón , Madrid and Baleares . In this last community has developed its businesses through INMOBILIARIA NUEVOPRADO . The developer was part of TAGACORP , the group that includes companies in the Tabuenca family and had activities in sectors such as AGRI-FOOD , RENEWABLE ENERGY OR SERVICES . Its headquarters are at Calle Hernán Cortes , 32 , in Zaragoza .
This company , one of the main and most ingrained promoters of the local housing market , presented a precontract of creditors ( see news of 05 / 02 / 20141 and that was not the only2 ) before a COMMERCIAL COURT OF ZARA- GOZA . After accepting the provisions of article 5 bis of the Insolvency Law , the company had a three-month period - ample to four - to try to reach a refinancing agreement with half a dozen banks and Sareb ( bad bank ) or The necessary accessions for an anticipated proposal of agreement , etc .
The origin of the PROBLEMS of Constructions Tabuenca was in the stage of the real estate boom , when very important investments were made by the sector . Between 2002 and 2006 , it destined up to 400 million euros to the purchase of FLOORS IN MADRID , VALENCIA AND MOJÁCAR ( ALMERIA ), where it has a promotion of 116 apartments . Although above all Nozar , with 203.2 million euros ( accumulated the 2ND LARGEST DEBT of all the list of defaulters of the public finances in 20151 according to the news of 12 / 24 / 2015 2 ), after the group Nyesa ( 46 million ), Construcciones Tabuenca was the 3rd Aragonese company with more debt ( 13.6 million ).