Calle Alfonso Soláns Serrano , at the site of his first MATTRESS FACTORY , the actions of the club to the businessman Soriano Agapito Iglesias in 2006 . Alfonso Soláns Soláns was educated in the El Salvador school of Zaragoza ( Jesuits ) and later studied Economic Sciences in The University of Paris ( completing its training at the University of New York and the Institute of Administration and Management in Paris ). His sons , BORJA SOLÁNS AND ALVARO SOLÁNS , the third generation of the family , have been vice presidents in the company since 2013 . Both have studied Business Studies and have taken a master ’ s degree at IE Business School . The oldest , Borja , who speaks two languages and starts in Mandarin Chinese , is responsible for business in Asia . Pikolin aims to average ASIA , CHINA , MALAYSIA , SINGAPORE , HONG KONG , sleep on their mattresses . The company has been present in the latest news ( especially in El Heraldo , which tries to activate several projects of interest to the elites ) for its transfer to the Logistics Platform of Zaragoza ( Plaza ) and its intention to open an outlet in its Installation of the Logrono motorway . The new FACTORY and distribution center will be fully operational by the beginning of 2017 . The Soláns intend to call a public contest between Aragonese sculptors to recreate the emblematic tower of the installations of the road of Logrono in the new site .
THE SÓOLANS FAMILY aims to create an outdoor commercial complex that will keep the tower of the mattress factory as an emblem . They point out that they will invest 60 million euros destined to condition the existing buildings , dating from the 70 ' s , to their commercial and restoration uses . The business model is the outlets of La Roca Village , in Barcelona , and Las Rozas Village , in Madrid , a kind of villages with pedestrian streets full of clothing stores where brands sell their products re-lowered , generally because they are Gifts from previous seasons . VILLAGE TOWER ' Streetstyle Shopping ' is the name of the sire that will create 1,900 jobs , directly and indirectly . Obviously they do not comment nor the quality of those jobs increase the index of temporality .
INAUGURATION OF THE FACILITIES of Pikolin of November 1,973 ( anniversary of Sólans Serrano ), designed by the architect ÁNGEL COLÁS , growth of part-time contracts , application of agreements that do not remunerate work on Sundays or holidays , etc . ) Or the destruction of jobs linked to the commerce of proximity . A recent report from the Municipal Institute of Employment and Business Development ( Imefez ) states that the Pikolin outlet will damage the small business and predict problems of mobility and environment , with more traffic on the access roads and an obligatory improvement of public transport With public money they would have to pay services for the benefit of a few . Zaragoza has 629 m2 of COMMERCIAL AREA per 1,000 inhabitants , being the city of the State with the highest concentration . This process took place especially in the last ten years , following the DGA ’ s lifting of the moratorium on the opening of new centers of this type . Since then it has opened Port Venetia , with an area of 200,000 m2 is the largest in Spain , doubling in only eight years the commercial area of Aragon , which has led to the closure of 1,390 shops in the city . In this context , the previous municipal government NO Al MEGAOUTLET .
Poster of the CITIZEN bell against the outlet in Pikolin green light to the Special Plan of Interior Reform of the Intervention AREA H-61-5 OF ZARAGOZA ( Pikolín ). The plan will increase the value of the land with a reclassification of industrial land that includes commercial and hotel uses . It is planned that the reclassification of the soil will be voted on soon in the City of Zaragoza . Social organizations , associations and political parties have launched a statement in support of local trade and living neighborhoods , calling on Zaragoza ’ s councilors to REJECT ITS APPROVAL and demonstrate its commitment to the city . The driving force of Torre Village is Iberebro , the heritage and real estate company of the Soláns family . THE ACTUR HERITAGE GROUP ( GPA ), in charge of developing and marketing , estimates that potential customers are 1.9 million and hopes to attract buyers from Euskadi , the Ebro valley and Lleida . GPA director ÁLVARO PALACIO sells the fantasy that TORRE VILLAGE will act as a magnet to attract international and national tourism to the city . The report by Ime-fez for contra points out that the benefit for Zaragoza will be scarce , since customers who are not from the city , do not usually enter it .