TOEFL students visit Waffle House
Story and photos by U.S. Army Sgt. Samantha Parks
4th Public Affairs Detachment
very Sunday morning, Task Force Aviation U.S. Army Sgt. Joe Henderson, a crew chief ?ight
provides waf?es for the residents of Camp instructor with the Florida National Guard and a native
of Lakeland, Fla., said he was excited that everyone who
volunteers with the Waf?e House and makes donations
In return, residents of Camp Bondsteel provide got to meet the people the donations help. He added it
donations that go towards helping Kosovo students was good for the kids to be there as well.
take the Test of English as a Foreign Language.
“It’s important for the kids to know they may see four
A surprise waited for Waf?e House customers Sept. 1 or ?ve of us during the week, but there’s a lot of people
when the students came to visit Camp Bondsteel.
here on Bondsteel that work [behind the scenes] and
they don’t get to see,” Henderson said. “So this is an
“We wanted to see what was actually going on right opportunity for the people here to get to interact with
here and how they’re helping us to achieve our goals,” the kids and vice versa.”
said Rolina Domaneku, one of the students taking the
TOEFL test.
The TOEFL exam tests an individual’s ability to use
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