Guardian East July Issue | Page 9

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Story and photos by U . S . Army Spc . Samantha Parks 4th Public Affairs Detachment

F or the first time in nearly a decade , an active duty U . S . Army unit assumed command in Kosovo during a transfer of authority ceremony held at Camp Bondsteel June 1 .

The 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade , stationed out of Fort Bragg , N . C ., took command of Multinational Battle Group-East from the 218th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade , a National Guard unit based out of Charleston , S . C .
U . S . Army Col . Waymon B . Storey III , a native of Plum Branch , S . C . and the commander of the 218th MEB , transferred authority of MNBG-E to U . S . Army Col . David J . Woods , a native of Denbo , Pa ., and the commander of the 525th BfSB .
Storey congratulated his soldiers and commended them on a job well done .
“ These men and women have served with distinction over the past nine months ,” Storey said . “ They have remained committed to providing a safe and secure environment while also fostering relationships , which have helped set conditions for positive change in Kosovo .”
The commander for Kosovo Forces , German Army Maj . Gen . Volker Halbauer , similarly praised the work of the 218th MEB for their efforts throughout the deployment .
“ You have successfully completed all missions and thus decisively contributed to the overall accomplishments of KFOR , moving us all ‘ Forward Together ’,” said Halbauer .
Storey also reflected on the relationships that were built while in Kosovo and the lasting impact of their work .
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