Guardian East July Issue | Page 41

PG 41

submitted photos

( Photo courtesy of JRD-E )
U . S . soldiers with Joint Regional Detachment-East climbed Mount Luboten June 16 . Mt . Luboten is located near the FYROM border and can be seen from Camp Bondsteel . The group used the climb as a team building event , with more than 70 soldiers reaching the peak . Mt . Luboten is commonly nicknamed “ Mt . Duke ” by MNBG-E troops .
Task Force MED poses for a group photo after completing a 5k fun run May 31 . ( courtesy photo by Sgt . Ryan Sergeant , TF MED )
Love taking photos ? Want to be published ? Show off you and your friends !
Email your photos to mnbgeast @ gmail . com by the 21st of each month . Please include a brief description with the photo .

PG 41