Guardian East July Issue | Page 4

PG 4

Mnbg-e cmdr

As I look back at the beginning of this operational deployment I ’ m amazed how little time has passed , but how long ago it feels . We are just passing our second month of the deployment and what a journey this has been .
Hohenfels was a whirlwind . We spent an intensive three weeks train up at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels , Germany training for multiple contingencies that could occur here in Kosovo . Overall , the time spent at Hohenfels was an eye opening experience as we learned to adjust our systems , procedures , and taught our leaders how to seize the initiative in a peace support operational environment . The training was excellent and through our experience , I believe we grew closer together as a team .
On June 1 , we took the reins from KFOR 16 . The transition between KFOR 16 and 17 was the best I have ever witnessed in my 24 years of service . The professionalism , and KFOR 16 ’ s desire for us to succeed was unprecedented . Col . Blake Story and his team did a great job setting us up for success .
Now we are settling in . The tempo is high and the demands on your time , capabilities , and resources are demanding . Now , more than ever , I believe we are at a critical moment that requires every ounce of your skill and experience to help the people of Kosovo secure the stage for irreversible momentum . We are witnessing first hand that people can work through differences peacefully . You are taking part in a historic event . You are helping the people of Kosovo move Forward Together . to take the time and do that . Take the time to get to know the people , do your best to understand their perspective , but always balance that with remaining status neutral .
To the families back home , I want to say , thank you . Your support is more important now than ever . I want you to know that your Soldier is making a difference , a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people ’ s lives that will never know your Soldiers name , but at the same time they have a deep respect and love for your Soldier like no other I have ever seen . I have witnessed grown men and women here in Kosovo tear up at the sight of your Soldier , tear up with a gratitude , tear up with respect , tear up knowing that what years of the KFOR presence has done for them . Enabling them to live free , send their children to school , provide for their families , build a home , fly their flag . However your Soldier can only do the mission with your support and love . Please keep reaching out , sending those e-mails , cards and letters ... and every so often a package doesn ’ t hurt . I also ask you to reach out to your Soldiers buddy ... not everyone is as fortunate to have someone like you . Let ’ s leave no one behind .
This has been an incredible experience so far and nothing like I ’ ve been a part of before . I believe that the Soldiers of MNBG-E are in the right place at the right time , with the right focus . Finally , as we all settle in for the 4th of July holiday and celebrate the United States of America ’ s independence , I ask that you take a moment and pause and keep in mind the Soldiers of MNBG-E . Have a safe and happy Fourth of July .
One Team , Forward Together . -Lightning 6
For me , the experience in Kosovo has been uplifting . I have meet and experienced so many interesting people and places in my official capacity over the last 30 days . I want to ensure that all of you will have many of the same opportunities . Hopefully , you will have the opportunity to enjoy a few day passes in Kosovo through the MWR program , to see the area and enjoy the history and culture that surrounds us . I encourage everyone

PG 4