Guardian East July Issue | Page 38

PG 38 something we do back home at the end of the school year ," Kent said .

KFOR troops , school principal host talent show

Story and photos by U . S . Army Spc . Samantha Parks 4th Public Affairs Detachment

More than 70 children participated in a talent show organized by Kosovo Forces and school administrators June 18 . Liaison Monitoring Team Six worked with the Firaja school principal to put the event together for the communities of Boda and Firaja .

" The idea for the talent show was my idea ," said U . S . Army Sgt . Megan Kent , a noncommissioned officer of LMT 6 and native of Lebanon , Mo . " With the help from LMT 6 and the principal of Firaja , we worked together to coordinate it ."
Kent got the idea from her personal childhood .
" The reason I decided to bring up the talent show idea is because it is

PG 38 something we do back home at the end of the school year ," Kent said .

The principal provided the sound equipment needed as well as books for prizes for first , second and third place . Kent and her team provided two of the four judges and additional prizes for the children .
U . S . Army Pfc . Daniel Quevedo , a member of LMT 6 and a Miami native , said " Some of these towns haven ' t seen [ KFOR ] in a really long time , so we just want to make sure that they see us working with the kids and the teachers ."
Quevedo added that events like the talent show reinforce the mission of KFOR , but also remind the communities that they are here to make friends and learn about their culture .
Children performed acts like singing , traditional and hip-hop dancing , and skits . The troops were also treated to poetry reading and traditional stories .
" The kids have been training for about a week , putting acts together ," said Quevedo .
Polish Chief Warrant Officer 2 Mijrci Jrzlowcka , one of the judges selected from KFOR , said the day was excellent .
" My favorite part of the day was the little boy who danced ," Jrzlowcka said . " Today is important in my opinion because KFOR and the local people should be more cooperative and interactive ."