Guardian East July Issue | Page 30

PG 30
Soldiers from Company C , 1st Squadron , 38th Cavalry Regiment , from Fort Bragg , N . C ., use all-terrain vehicles to reach areas of their patrol through mountainous and rough terrain in northern Kosovo June 12 . U . S . Army Sgt . Aden Hameda , an assistant platoon sergeant with Company C , 1st Squadron , 38th Cavalry Regiment and an Indianapolis native , said " The ATVs are a method for getting to a site over a distance or terrain that we normally wouldn ' t be able to get to in a timely manner via walking or traditional truck drop off , but we found a use for them here up in the hills and mountains where it ' s pretty rough ."
( U . S . Army photos by Spc . Samantha Parks , 4th Public Affairs Detachment )

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