Guardian East July Issue | Page 23

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( left ) Soldiers with Company C , 1st Squadron , 38th Cavalry Regiment , conduct rappel tower training at Gate One June 18 .
( right ) Soldiers with Company C , 1st Squadron , 38th Cavalry Regiment , open boxes of Morale , Welfare and Recreation supplies brought up from Camp Novo Selo to the Gate One MWR tent June 17 .
[ multinational ] coys ,” Harris , a Fort Bragg , N . C . native said . “ I ’ ve worked with the Turkish so far , and I ’ ve met the Polish , the Ukrainians , Armenians , Albanians , Slovenians , Germans , French and the Moroccans . It ’ s hard to learn ‘ Hello ’ and ‘ Thank you ’ in all of those languages .”
Harris is also planning for the addition of new tents to better accommodate the soldiers stationed there . Though change doesn ’ t happen overnight , Harris is wasting no time in laying the foundation for improvement .
Gate One is also seeing an improvement in soldier care . Thanks in part to the Forward Command Post stationed at Camp Novo Selo , Gate One recently received several boxes of supplies from the United States Organizations for their Morale , Welfare and Recreation tent to help improve the variety of activities soldiers can take part in during their time off .
U . S . Army 1st Sgt . Robert Allen , the incoming 1st Sgt . for Company C , 1st Squadron , 38th Cavalry Regiment , said that getting the supplies was a huge morale boost for his soldiers .
“ Where we ’ re at , we just have stuff that gets us by ,” Allen , a native of Columbus , Ga . said . “ Showing up with good stuff is always a morale booster for the guys .”
To help soldiers maintain a high level of readiness , the soldiers of Gate One have also expanded their training facilities , building a rappel training tower on the camp to provide safe , easily accessible training to multinational forces stationed on the post .
“ The guys are enjoying it , they love the mission that we ’ re doing in Kosovo ,” Allen said . “ Hard training , hard working , and we all appreciate what MWR is doing for us , no matter how big or small .”
U . S . Army Spc . Anthony Atunku , a member of 1st Squadron , 38th Cavalry Regiment , packs up a box of supplies meant for Gate One at Camp Novo Selo June 17

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