Guardian East July Issue | Page 2

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5 6 16 19 24 27 41
Lightning : how quickly time moves Partner Spotlight : morocco SHARP : New training tools Legal : We are here to help Chaplain : three years overdue Safety : Most hazardous activity here submitted photos
42 brain busters
COVER PHOTO : Multinational Battle Group- East transfers authority at Camp Bondsteel June 1 . ( U . S . Army photo by Spc . Samantha Parks , 4th Public Affairs Detachment )
BACK COVER PHOTO : Polish soldiers practice loading into a blackhawk with full crowd-and-riot control gear . See more photos on PG 33 . ( U . S . Army photo by Capt . Randy Ready , 4th Public Affairs Detachment )
Guardian East welcomes commentaries , articles and photos from readers . Submissions should be sent to the editor at mngbeast @ gmail . com by the 21st of each month and include details such as the who , what , when , where and why of the photos . Please include the person ’ s name , rank and contingent of who took the photos for the photo credit .
Executive Editor : Maj . Wencke Tate
Editor : Capt . Randy Ready
Layout Editor : Spc . Samantha Parks
Contributing Journalists : staff sgt . cody harding
Guardian East is produced for personnel of Multinational Battle Group-East and is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense . Contents of Guardian East are not necessarily the official views of the U . S . government , the Department of the Army , 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade or MNBG-E .

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