Guardian East July Issue | Page 19

Greetings from the Camp Bondsteel Legal Assistance Office ! legal
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Greetings from the Camp Bondsteel Legal Assistance Office ! legal

The LAO is here to provide servicemembers and other eligible personnel with legal advice on a variety of different issues . Powers of attorney and notary services can be performed on a walk-in basis .
A legal assistance attorney is available to help with a variety of other legal issues by appointment . The command provides a legal assistance attorney to assist individuals in whatever manner we can to alleviate stress and allow people to focus on the mission . Some common legal issues we can assist with are : family separations and child support obligations , real estate and rental , credit report problems , Service Members Civil Relief Act , immigration , taxes , claims , OERs and NCOERs , FLIPLs , and letters of reprimand .
When an individual comes to see an attorney for legal assistance related to the matters listed above , an attorney-client privilege is formed . That means that all interactions with our office are confidential . The legal office at Camp Bondsteel generally does not assist individuals with responses to investigations or criminal law matters but we can assist with referrals to trial defense services for that assistance .
While no one in the legal office is a certified financial planner , we can offer some general advice on personal finance in a deployed environment . A deployment offers many financial benefits and opportunities .
One program individuals should consider is the Savings Deposit Program through the finance department . While saving for retirement is always a good idea , if you are going to have a very low taxable income due to the deployment , you might consider reducing tax deferred Individual Retirement Account or Thrift Savings Plan contributions and placing that money in a Roth IRA .
Individuals who have sizeable tax deferred 401 ( K )’ s or TSP accounts might consider a conversion of some of those funds into a Roth IRA this year as the converted funds are likely to be taxed at a lower rate if your overall tax burden is low due to the deployment income tax exemption .
When making an appointment for legal services it is important to provide as much information as possible to the intake paralegal so that they can determine whether or not the issue is something we can handle , and to allow the attorney to prepare to make the most of the initial meeting . The legal office can assist you better if you come in with all of the information , documents , and contacts that are relevant to the legal issue . Bring everything you have .
If you , one of your battle buddies , or subordinates is facing an issue that might be a legal issue , it is always best to come by our office or call in to ask about it . If we can help you , we will .
The legal office is also here to assist commanders with advice on investigations , counseling , disciplinary matters , ethics , gifts , claims , and other fiscal or administrative law issues .
The LAO is located on Admin Alley , Building 1330C , Room 3N . If you are seeking assistance with something other than a notarization or power of attorney , please call 781-4575 to make an appointment .
Legal Assistance , Claims , Fiscal and Administrative Law Judge Advocate Capt . Sean Kumar

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