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During the Sexual Harassment and Assault Response Prevention training held June 18-21 , the Multinational Battle Group- East SHARP Program encouraged small group discussions on several SHARP topics . This included a discussion on the focus and operation of the SHARP Program , the effectiveness of the current prevention strategies , and the individual responsibility and accountability for maintaining a climate of dignity and respect .
One of the training tools utilized in the small group discussions was an excerpt from a case where a soldier , U . S . Army Pfc . Natasha Schuette , was sexually harassed and assaulted by her drill sergeant during basic training .
Schuette shares her experience because she wants to ensure other soldiers don ’ t experience the same physical trauma and mental anguish she endured . She wants to encourage everyone to report any incident involving sexual assault and harassment . With Schuette ’ s permission , the Center for the Army Profession and Ethic believes her story can be used to reinforce the importance of the Army profession as a way to eradicate sexual harassment and sexual assault .
Schuette ’ s account outlines everyone ’ s role in preventing sexual harassment and sexual assault . Everyone from the individual soldier all the way up through the chain-of-command has a role in the SHARP Program . Gen . Robert W . Cone , the commander for the U . S . Army Training and Doctrine Command , said that recruits and trainees in his command are a uniquely vulnerable group in the Army , but even well-intentioned leaders haven ’ t always seen that .
The perpetrator , Schuette ’ s drill sergeant , was found guilty and convicted in November of 2012 . His charges included forcible sodomy , abusive sexual contact , indecent conduct , assault , adultery , and failing to follow a lawful order . He was sentenced to five years in prison , reduced in rank to private , and he forfeited his $ 2,886 monthly salary .
We will continue to seek new ways to spread the SHARP Program ’ s message to all soldiers throughout the battle group . If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve our training , contact the MNBG-E SARC / SHARP Specialist at terry . l . jenkins . mil @ mail . mil or the MNBG-E VA / SHARP Specialist at danielle . e . carlsen . mil @ mail . mil . You can also reach one of us at DSN 4567 or cell 049-774-590 . We are more than happy to hear your ideas and take them into consideration !
To view PFC Schuette ’ s interview visit : http :// cape . army . mil / case % 20studies / pfcschuette . php
MNBG-E Victim Advocate / SHARP Specialist 1st Lt . Danielle E . Carlsen
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MNBG-E conducts SHARP training with small , centralized groups . ( U . S . Army photos by 1st Lt . Danielle Carlsen , MNBG-E SHARP Specialist )