Guardian East December Issue | Page 6

KFOR soldiers take next step as leaders Story and photos by U.S. Army Capt. Randy Ready 4th Public Affairs Detachment S class worked together as well as any other class he has seen. oldiers from Multinational Battle Group-East and Area Support Team Balkans took the next step in their Army careers by graduating from the Warrior Leaders Course at a ceremony held at Camp Bondsteel Nov. 25. “I’ve had classes that were really good and worked well, but I don’t know what it is with this class, but everything they do has been with teamwork,” said Celona. “Very close knit team. I know they are from different units, but very close knit team.” WLC is the ?rst leadership course soldiers attend as a part of their professional development as noncommissioned of?cers. It is designed to teach the basic skills a junior soldier needs to lead a small group of soldiers. U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Brian Hester, the 1st Squadron, 38th Cavalry Regiment Command Sergeant Major and a Mount Sterling, Ill. native, was the guest speaker for the WLC graduation ceremony. For U.S. Army Cpl. Hee Beom Kim, a Joint Regional Detachment-East soldier originally from Saipan, the course was an opportunity to develop his leadership skills. While speaking to the graduates, Hester referenced the Army’s Leadership Model and the three ways of developing leaders: training, education and experience. “One thing I was most afraid of is that I didn’t know enough; a lot of the leadership abilities that I didn’t have experience in,” said Kim. “But going through this [WLC] I de?nitely feel much more comfortable getting my [E-5].” “WLC has given you the tools you need to lead at the team and squad level, now all you need is experience,” said !??????qQ?????????????????????????????????????????)?????????1?????????5???????????????????????????)????????t() ?????????????????9